Workout of the Week: Meters and Manmakers
For this little couplet, all you need is a rower and a set of dumbbells.
For Time:
Row 1000m (S/M 22)
8 manmakers
Row 800m (S/M 24)
6 manmakers
Row 600m (S/M 26)
4 manmakers
Row 400m (S/M 28)
2 manmakers
Row 200m (S/M 30)
The manmaker consists of jump back (or step back) to a plank, then pushup, right arm row, and left arm row. Hop both feet between dumbbells and establish a good, flat back and solid pulling position. Stand up dumbbells, or clean into a squat to overhead press (thruster). Scale pushups by either doing a plank jack or pushup on knees.